gGastro® Tips and Tricks – GIQuIC Biopsy Protocol

Presented By ModMed® Training Team  

If you participate in GIQuIC, Protocol is a required field for biopsies when IBD indications “Inflammatory bowel disease of the intestine if more precise diagnosis or determination of the extent/severity of activity of disease will influence immediate/future management” OR “Surveillance due to inflammatory bowel disease” are selected in the service. To automate this field, and prevent exceptions when generating the file, you can create Biopsy user list items to include Protocol.


gGastro® Tips and Tricks – Capture Important Demographics!

Presented By ModMed® Training Team  

It’s important to capture as much of the patient’s demographics for patient care, as well as for communication, reporting and billing. You can flag specific demographic as Required and create validation points at check-in and check-out to make sure you capture the important details during the patient visit.


Customer Onboarding Resource!

The New Employee Virtual Training Guide is available on ModMed® Communities for gGastro® customers. While all clients can utilize this guide, it will be most beneficial for existing clients who are post-go-live and looking for more assistance onboarding new employees. Clients can access this page via the Learn drop-down by selecting Employee Onboarding. The guide is broken up by Role…


Generate Quality Metrics Quickly

Presented By ModMed® Training Team  

Are you reporting to the GIQuIC registry? Or just trying to improve the quality of your patient care within your practice? Average withdrawal time for colonoscopy procedures is easy to obtain in gGastro and in gInsights.


An Easy Way to Delete Cookies and Remove Duplicate Login Sessions

Presented By ModMed® Training Team  

Accidentally closing the browser without logging out retains the current application session. Trying to log back into the application when you already have a session running could be frustrating. Simply clearing the site cookies for the application will not only get you back in but will leave your other site cookies and data intact.
