gInsights™ Analytics 2.0
The gInsights™ main menu has been updated with a new user interface. The Analytics 2.0 interface makes it easy for you to locate reports. Check out this video more...
The gInsights™ main menu has been updated with a new user interface. The Analytics 2.0 interface makes it easy for you to locate reports. Check out this video more...
Please direct this message to your practice’s accounts payable contact. We are pleased to announce that in mid-November 2023, we will introduce a new, enhanced Customer Payment Portal with new streamlined and easier-to-read invoices, plus improved ability to access your invoices and update billing information! This portal will help simplify your payment process to ModMed®. The new Customer Payment Portal…
Presented By ModMed® Training Team
Are you reporting to the GIQuIC registry? Or just trying to improve the quality of your patient care within your practice? Average withdrawal time for colonoscopy procedures is easy to obtain in gGastro and in gInsights.
Per the final rule by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Health and Human Services (HHS), eligible clinicians must attest to using the SAFER High Priority Practices Guide. The attestation is part of the MIPS Promoting Interoperability (PI) Protect Patient Health Information objective, for CY 2023 performance period/2025 MIPS payment year. What are the SAFER Guides? The…
This is an important follow-up patient safety message. The issue causing limited functionality around outbound faxing delays, reported on Thursday, August 24, 2023, has been resolved. Action Recommended Please closely monitor your outbound fax queue over the next few days to ensure that all faxes with a “failed” status from Thursday, August 24, 2023, through Friday, August 25, 2023, were…
Presented By ModMed® Training Team
Accidentally closing the browser without logging out retains the current application session. Trying to log back into the application when you already have a session running could be frustrating. Simply clearing the site cookies for the application will not only get you back in but will leave your other site cookies and data intact.
Presented By ModMed® Training Team
The Recalls Notes feature allows you to add additional details about the patient or procedure to help enhance your workflow.
We are writing to inform you that we plan to update our consumer privacy policy effective Saturday, July 1, 2023. The new privacy policy (available here) provides additional information on privacy rights that residents of certain states may have under applicable state law. The update will automatically take effect on Saturday, July 1, 2023. No action is required on…
As you may already be aware, the United States Postal Service (USPS) announced postage increases that will take effect on July 9, 2023. In response to the USPS increase, clearinghouse costs for patient statements and paper claims have also increased. Effective Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the new pricing will be $0.83 per the first page of patient statements and…
The MIPS 2023 Webinar - Traditional MIPS and MVPs was recorded on June 28th, 2023. Click the image below play the webinar. Our ModMed’s gAdvisor™ Services team has put together this webinar to provide information on changes to MIPS in 2023. This educational webinar is also available for viewing on ModMed® Communities. Please note that the webinar is confidential and…