Follow-Up: Action Required: ModMed® Payment Update — May 5, 2023

This is a follow-up to the communication we sent on Friday, March 10, 2023 regarding ModMed®’s transition to a new bank. We are writing to make you aware that we finalized this transition and the updated banking information is included under “Action Required” below.  Please refer to the “Confirming Billing Instructions” section included in the “Security/Phishing Alert: Confirm Changes in…


Patient Analysis with Patient Metadata and gInsights™

Presented By ModMed® Training Team  

Patient Analysis with Patient Metadata and gInsights™ allows you to tag patients with unique indicators such as clinical trials, diagnoses, and preferred pronouns. Then, you can analyze the data using gInsights™ Metadata reports. . Available with v.5.4 and beyond.


Double-down on Double Bookings

Presented By ModMed® Training Team  

Increasing the Scheduler Preferences Appointment Holds Time reduces the incidences of two users double-booking the same timeslot in gScheduler.


Group Patients with PATIENT METADATA

Presented By ModMed® Training Team  

“Patient Metadata” allows you to tag patients with unique indicators such as clinical trials, diagnoses, and preferred pronouns. Available with v.5.4.
